Hours to make a pitfall trap for game animals
Hours to make a pitfall trap for game animals

Weapons Are Now Primarily Crafted Through Upgrades - Where there was once a fairly healthy split between forging new weapons and upgrading old ones, World has swung almost entirely to the latter.


Bowguns and Kinsects Have New Customisation Options - Kinsects are selected and upgraded apart from the Insect Glaive in World, while Bowguns get some useful mods that can increase reload speed, suppress recoil and more. You Can Preview Every Piece of Gear, Separately - You can see every piece of armour and weapon on your avatar, live at the Armory - as long as you’ve unlocked the ability to forge it, of course. Those armor types are gone - now it’s one-set-fits-all, so you can change weapons at will without the need to make two different sets. Gunner and Blademaster Armor Are No More - Previous MonHun games have forced you to make Blademaster or Gunner armour sets, depending on your weapon type.

hours to make a pitfall trap for game animals

It means a lot more mixing and matching than experienced players will be used to, but it’s a great way to diversify your hunter’s build. However, better armour begins to offer set bonuses on top of that, meaning the best sets will offer six or more abilities for coordinating your outfit. Every armour piece now offers a single skill. Previously, skills were awarded for wearing multiple pieces of armour, but things are a little simpler (and possibly more exciting) than before.

hours to make a pitfall trap for game animals

Armour Skills Have Changed - This is probably the most fundamental change in World. If you’re already a fan, here are 47 changes we spotted in our many, many hours with an early build of Monster Hunter World.

Hours to make a pitfall trap for game animals